Independent IT Assessment

Our client had very rapidly grown their organisation from small a professional services firm to a mid-sized business over just a few years through both acquisition and organic growth.  The board and executive management were concerned that their IT provider had not kept up with the changing circumstances and were no longer delivering to their requirements cost effectively.

An independent review of the IT service experience considered if the Information Technology was capable of meeting the growing businesses expectation and the increasingly digital future. IT costs were compared against benchmarks and the organisations IT risk profile was examined and considered against organisations with a similar context.

IT Review and Strategy Development

Situation: The organisation has undergone consistent growth for many years across diverse business units. The key growth opportunity moving forward is undergoing significant structural change and the organisation is requiring a level of agility in its IT that has not been available.

Strategic Cost Reduction Opportunity Assessment

Situation: Organisation was seeking to realign cost base of business through a series of independent strategic reviews. Beyond Technology was focused on the review of 3 separate technology divisions as well as a number of IT capabilities that were being managed within other business units.

IT Operations Assessment

Organisations based in regional areas of Australia face acute problems in delivering IT services when compared with their peers in metropolitan areas: Many costs are higher, infrastructure such as telecommunications is often poorer, skilled staff are difficult to attract and retain, and the organisation’s requirements are no less stringent.

In higher education this is further complicated by the fact that significant amounts of funding are delivered in the form of one-off grants that demand very disciplined project and program management whilst not providing budget for the on-going maintenance and management of the resulting infrastructure.

In this case study we assisted one of our clients to meet these two structural challenges whilst also remediating an aged IT infrastructure and re-engaging IT with organisational stakeholders.